Over the last century, there has been a dramatic increase in the ageing population all over the world. The paradox of ageing is, it is an ongoing pleasant phenomenon but some changes like wrinkles, pigmentation, sagging are not acceptable, which has led to emergence of effective cosmetic treatments for skin and facial rejuvenation.
Dr Soodan’s Skin Institute offers an array of services which includes a combination of therapies including Collagen induction therapy/ Chemical peels/ Dermal fillers/ Botox/ Fractional lasers depending upon the patients’ needs, preferences and motivations.
Vampire facelift is a procedure which harvests the healing and regenerative properties of your blood owing to the presence of platelets and a plethora of growth factors present in it to give you a rejuvenated and younger skin.
Those with premature wrinkles, high levels of solar damage are an ideal candidate for the procedure
Botulinum toxin (BOTOX) injections are the most common aesthetic procedure to improve wrinkles.
Its chief mechanism of action is by inhibition of release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction thereby causing muscle paralysis. Relaxation of muscles reduces the wrinkles and gives youthful appearance.
Dermal fillers is a technique in which the filler substance (a non toxic, non mutagenic, hypoallergenic and malleable figure) is injected in to the skin to restore its volume.
Most commonly used filler is Hyaluronic acid which is a normal substance found in this skin and is responsible for water holding capacity of the skin.
Chemical peels help you with the plethora of problems, from pigmentation to scarring, hydration to acne, skin texture to fine lines and wrinkles. Some skin issues need deeper face peels than others, so it is always important to look at your skin concern and the outcome you are hoping to achieve.
Specialised Skin Treatments by highly qualified Dermatologists For appointment and consultation please call us at : 01912433232, 01912433233, 919622441333